Saturday 23 February 2013

A well earned break.

Some of you who follow me on facebook will already know, but I figured I had better let everyone know I'll be away next week and won't be following my usual schedule.

Life has provided a generous helping of little stresses recently, so I'm going to take some much needed time off and just relax, spend time with my family, my boyfriend and my kidlets, and come back to you all re-energised in a week.
In other news, yesterday I signed up and paid to do Tough Mudder in September! For those of you who have no idea what that is, go check it out at
I've got 7 months of healthy eating, cardio training for fitness and strength training to get me through the obstacles ahead of me, but I'm really excited and really looking forward to it. I'll keep you guys updated with my training progress as I go. I'll also keep you updated with the changes in my body as I attempt to turn it from a jelly-bellied mum body into a lean, mean obstacle hurdling machine.

The pics above were taken 22nd Feb 2013, the day that I signed up for the Mudder.

Wish me luck!

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